
Omamori Richard Mcgill

PDF - Omamori

Omamori -- Não é apenas uma história sobre o amor, é sobre a família, honra, sacrifício, amizade, cultura. Uma das mais belas aulas de história que alguem já escreveu a guisa de romance |...| [Goodreads | Omamori by Richard McGill]
'1871...A chance encounter on the teeming docks of Yokohama brings together a young American adventurer and the impoverished son of a one-proud samurai line. From this unlikely alliance will come Hosokawa-Napier Limited-a vast business dynasty built on the weaving of the finest silk.


1936...Now as the world lunges toward war, fate challenges the fortunes of two noble families-threatening to lay bare their deepest secrets. Now, Douglas Napier will risk his empire for the love of the Japanese woman who has been his secret mistress for twenty years. Now, the outcast child of that union will dare to claim his birthright. And now, during the last sunlit summer of peace, young Max Napier and Shizue Hosokawa-beautiful, graceful and already promised to the son of a powerful family-will pedge their forbidden love...


From the lush green hills of Kyushu, family seat of the Hosokawa clan, to the blood-drenched China prostrate before the advancing armies of the Rising Sun; from Hitler's Berlin to Harvard Yark, San Francisco and the Pacific battlefields beyond; and finally to the nightmare that was Nagasaki, Omamori sweeps us into the lives of men and women bound by unforgiving codes of honor, divided by the inescapable passions'.


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Um livro impressionante

É difícil descrever o que é a obra Omamori. Seria uma lição de amor? Um significante guia sobre a cultura japonesa? Um relato dos horrores das guerras do século xx? É mais do que isso é um escrito que transcende à intelectualidade e coloca-nos diretamente no ambito das emoções mais humanas, emoções sublimamente humanas...
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