Planeta Maldito

Planeta Maldito Vargo Statten...

PDF - Planeta Maldito

Planeta Maldito / Edições de Ouro - Categoria Copa, n° 560: The Catalyst (UK Pulp Fiction 1951) by Vargo Statten (pen name used by) John Russell Fearn [eBook / ASIN: B015ERMB5K] '-' The planet Mercury. Forty million miles from the Sun, following his eccentric orbit, one side of him solid with the frost of untold cycles of time, the other molten whereon metals boiled and sizzled in the incredible heat of the sun. A world utterly dead, a terror-planet, but such is the spirit of adventure in Man that even here he was exploring...

[About the Author] John Russell Fearn (1908-1960): John Francis Russell Fearn was born in Worsley, near Manchester, on 5th June, 1908. As a child he devoured imaginative fiction, beginning to write SF at the age of ten - in imitation of Wells and Verne - on a typewriter he was given for his birthday. Extremely prolific, Fearn used many pseudonyms. During the 1930s he wrote for magazines, including the US Pulp magazines, but during the Second World War he switched to books, becoming a central figure in the post-war paperback boom. He wrote numerous westerns, crime stories and romances as well as SF, most of which appeared under the names Vargo Statten and Volsted Gridban (the latter pseudonym being taken over from E. C. Tubb).

Altogether Fearn published 18 stories in the pre-war Astounding, and went on to write more than 100 other stories in all the leading American pulp magazines through to 1948. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction notes that 'his best work is vigorous and occasionally vivid' and the influential British SF agent and editor, John Carnell, paid this tribute: 'Fearn was one of the Greats of the earlier ages, and his name should be there with Hugo Gernsback, John W. Campbell, Stanley G. Weinbaum, Murray Leinster, and all the others whose thoughts and works form ulated today's modern science fiction '.'

Planeta Maldito

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