Svengali (Clássicos Ilustrados)

Svengali (Clássicos Ilustrados) George Du Maurier


[Edição Maravilhosa — 1ª Série, Número 74. Publicado em Setembro de 1953] George Du Maurier — Svengali (Clássicos Ilustrados). Capa / Desenhos: Antônio Euzébio. Direção: Adolfo Aizen. (Brochura - Formato Americano - Quadrinhos em Preto e Branco).
George L. Du Maurier - Biography (IMDb) -
Svengali (1931) -
Svengali (1954) -
Trilby (1895) is a novel by George Louis du Maurier and one of the most popular novels of its time.
Trilby is set in the 1850s in an idyllic bohemian Paris. (...) One of the most memorable characters is Svengali, a rogue, masterful musician and hypnotist. Trilby O'Ferrall, the novel's heroine, is a half-Irish girl working in Paris as an artists' model and laundress; all the men in the novel are in love with her. The relationship between Trilby and Svengali forms only a small, though crucial, portion of the novel, which is mainly an evocation of a milieu.

Luc Sante wrote that the novel had a "decisive influence on the stereotypical notion of bohemia" and that it "affected the habits of American youth, particularly young women, who derived from it the courage to call themselves artists and 'bachelor girls,' to smoke cigarettes and drink Chianti. Trilby inspired Gaston Leroux's novel The Phantom of the Opera (1910) in part. It was also known for introducing the phrase "in the altogether" (meaning "completely unclothed") and the term "Svengali" for a man with dominating powers over a (generally female) protégée, as well as indirectly inspiring the name of the trilby hat, originally worn on stage by a character in the play based on the novel.

Svengali (Clássicos Ilustrados)

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