The Internet Galaxy

The Internet Galaxy Manuel Castells

PDF - A Galáxia da Internet

Based on the author's Clarendon Lectures in Management at Oxford University, this work focuses on the Internet and the future of networked societies. More specifically, Castells (sociology, Univ. of California, Berkeley; The Information Age: Economy, Society, and Culture) examines cultures spawned by the Internet as well as the Internet's effects on culture. He provides balanced coverage of e-business and the new economy; the politics of the Internet, including privacy and freedom; and the geography of the Internet. Thereafter, he considers how those topics have influenced the globalization of the Internet and the growing digital divide. This thoroughly researched volume features numerous international examples and statistics that effectively illustrate key points and make the book truly global in scope. With his knack for analyzing contemporary society, Castells has produced a timely book indeed. Including constructive lists of "reading links" and "e-links" at the end of each chapter, the text would serve as a good companion for courses in the social and computer sciences. Highly recommended for academic libraries.

The Internet Galaxy

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A Galáxia da Internet

(Na relação com os pensamentos de outros estudiosos da mídia). A expressão Galáxia da Internet, título da obra do estudioso espanhol Manuel Castells, é, na verdade, uma analogia do autor ao título da famosa obra de McLuhan A Galáxia de Gutenberg. Dessa forma, já é a partir do título desse estudo que o espanhol revela que a Galáxia da Internet nada mais é do que a extensão ou ampliação da Galáxia de Gutenberg, agora não mais somente através da impressão tipográfica, mas também pelos ti...