Twenty Boy Summer

Twenty Boy Summer Sarah Ockler

PDF - Twenty Boy Summer

"Don't worry, Anna. I'll tell her, okay? Just let me think about the best way to do it."


"Promise me? Promise you won't say anything?"

"Don't worry." I laughed. "It's our secret, right?"

According to her best friend Frankie, twenty days in ZanzibarBay is the perfect opportunity to have a summer fling, and if they meet one boy ever day, there's a pretty good chance Anna will find her first summer romance. Anna lightheartedly agrees to the game, but there's something she hasn't told Frankie-she's already had that kind of romance, and it was with Frankie's older brother, Matt, just before his tragic death one year ago.

Beautifully written and emotionally honest, this is a debut novel that explores what it truly means to love someone and what it means to grieve, and ultimately, how to make the most of every single moment this world has to offer.

Twenty Boy Summer

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Anna, Frankie e Matt são amigos de infância. Anna é Vizinha dos irmãos Matt e Frankie e eles são inseparáveis desde pequenos. Anna nutre uma paixão por Matt, mas sempre deixou esse sentimento adormecido. Tudo muda em um aniversário de Anna, ela e Matt descobrirão o amor de um pelo outro e viverão um lindo amor de verão. Mas... *Por que sempre tem que ter um “mas”?*,um trágico dia mudará tudo. Matt morre e Anna terá que viver com esse amor em segredo e com a difícil realidade em que se...