World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part II (English Edition)

World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part II (English Edition) Richard A. Knaak


Second in an all-new WORLD OF WARCRAFT series from New York Times bestselling author Richard A. Knaak! THE AGE OF DRAGONS IS OVER. Uncertainty plagues Azeroths ancient guardians as they struggle to find a new purpose. This dilemma has hit Kalecgos, youngest of the former Dragon Aspects, especially hard. Having lost his great powers, how can heor any of his kindstill make a difference in the world? The answer lies in the distant past, when savage beasts called proto-dragons ruled the skies. Through a mysterious artifact found near the heart of Northrend, Kalecgos witnesses this violent era and the shocking history of the original Aspects: Alexstrasza, Ysera, Malygos, Neltharion, and Nozdormu. In their most primitive forms, the future protectors of Azeroth must stand united against Galakrond, a bloodthirsty creature that threatens the existence of their race. But did these mere proto-dragons face such a horrific adversary alone, or did an outside force help them? Were they given the strength they would become legendary for or did they earn it with blood? Kalecgoss discoveries will change everything he knows about the events that led to the...DAWN OF THE ASPECTS

World of Warcraft: Dawn of the Aspects: Part II (English Edition)

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