Make Your Move

Make Your Move Laura Heffernan

Resenhas - Make Your Move

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ELTON_d:) 11/03/2023

É bom
Gostei da história ser relacionada a jogos de tabuleiro, e as pessoas terem empregos.
Acho q a protagonista fez uma boa explicação da sexualidade dela
O livro começa bem divertido, e ao longo da história eu gostava mais e mais. Terminava um capítulo e já começava outro bem rápido, não cansava de ler. Porém, pra mim, o final do epílogo estragou.

Vanessa.Issa 13/02/2020

Thanks to Kensington Books for the ARC!

This is the third book of the Gamer Girls series. After meeting Gwen and Holly, now it's time to learn more about their friend, Shannon.

Unlike the other girls, Shannon's single. The fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend isn't a problem for her, but that doesn't stop people from making assumptions about her life. Her family members are always telling her to find someone and "be happy".

I thought it was interesting to read a book about a demisexual woman (she doesn't feel sexual attraction for people before having a deep connection with them). It's actually the first time I read a story in which the main character speaks so openly about this subject, with the right names and everything. In case the reader never heard of this before, there's no reason to worry. She'll explain everything.

"People thought demisexuals didn’t want love, but that wasn’t true at all. I believed in love, in relationships, in finding the right person to spend the rest of my life with. Plenty of demisexuals or asexuals also believed in marriages of convenience and companionship, but I wanted the whole package. Maybe someday I’d find myself attracted to someone at the same time they wanted me, but today wasn’t that day."

Shannon's looking for a roommate. Her friends suggest that Tyler should live with her, since they're already friends and he also needs a place to stay. The problem is, Tyler used to have a crush on her, and they kissed while they were in Mexico for Gwen and Cody’s wedding. When that happened, she told him she didn't feel anything special for him, so they wouldn't go any far... He understood, but was still hopeful that maybe she'd change her mind.

Now, Tyler claims he's over her and would love to be her roommate. He's even dating someone else already... And Shannon hates the girl, Megan... Mostly because they work together, she's her boss's daughter and she's always making sure that everyone knows she's above them, even though she barely knows how to do her job.

So... Yeah.
Living with a cishet guy could be complicated.
Especially a guy who used to have a crush on her.
And was currently dating someone she hated.
But Shannon had no other option at the moment, so she decided to take this challenge.

I honestly wasn't expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did. It was a great surprise!
I think it's my favorite of this series!

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