The Highlander

The Highlander's Touch Karen Marie Moning

Resenhas - The Highlander's Touch

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Gisele 08/03/2021

alguem para traduzir essa serie?
As traduções que encontrei dessa serie são bem ruins e acredito que prejudique os livros. mas consegui ler e gostei bastante desse livro, inclusive, o acho melhor que o primeiro.
pela falta de tradução boa terei que deixar a serie.

OBs: se alguém se disponibilizar para traduzir, por favor entre em contato comigo. obg!

Rafa 24/06/2020

A Warrior Of Immortal Powers He was a mighty Scottish warrior who lived in a world bound by ancient laws and timeless magic. But no immortal powers could prepare the laird of Castle Brodie for the lovely accursed lass who stood before him. A terrible trick of fate had sent her 700 years back in time and into his private chamber to tempt him with her beauty?and seduce him with a desire he could never fulfill. For this woman he burned to possess was also the woman he had foresworn to destroy. A Woman Caught In The Mists Of Time When Lisa felt the earth move under her feet, the fiercely independent 21st-century woman never dreamed she was falling...into another century. But the powerful, naked warrior who stood glaring down at her was only too real...and too dangerously arousing. Irresistibly handsome he might be, but Lisa had no intention of remaining in this savage land torn by treachery and war. How could she know that her seductive captor had other plans for her...plans that would save her from a tragic fate? Or that this man who had long ago forsaken love would defy time itself to claim her for his own....

Tathy 09/03/2012

Adorei o livro!!!!!!
Circenn e lisa são um casal apaixonante.
Ela do século XX vai para no século XIV, devido um feitióc que é posto numa garrafa e ela toca.
Ela deveria ser morta por Circenn na mesma hora que se materializou na frente dele, mas ele não mataria a uma mulher!!!
Ela então passa a viver no século dele e a conhecer os costumes da época.
Essa série é intrigante porque todo livro tem uma viagem no tempo, seres imortais, fadas e vários personagens que geralmente aparecem nos livros seguintes.
Leiam, a série é ótima!!!

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