Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things

Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things Amanda Lovelace

Resenhas - Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things

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Bianca Chiodi 16/04/2022

Flower Crowns & Fearsome things
igual a todos os outros livros escritos pela autora, esse traz novamente críticas ao comportamento apresentado em relacionamentos abusivos, o amor próprio...

xrayana 20/02/2022

li os livros da série "as mulheres têm uma espécie de magia" uns anos atrás e gostei muito deles mas esse não me agradou ?
acho que é mais do mesmo sabe
ela escreve
dá enter
? coloca frase de efeito

Julia2881 02/02/2022

Flower crowns and fearsome things.
if someone had to describe her,
they would probably say that she?s the girl who doesn?t believe in anything.
in other words, she doesn?t believe that her life is inevitable. she doesn?t believe that tarot cards have the ability to predict her future, as though it?s already been written in the stars; rather, she believes they reveal mere possibilities, & every choice she makes from there weaves her fate. but in that way, i guess you could say she does believe in one thing.

when someone she loves is sad, she stops at nothing to make sure they feel better.
if she could, she would magic a double rainbow into the sky just to see a small smile on their face, even though she can?t think of a single soul in her life who would do the same for her.
?being the dependable friend is difficult sometimes.

i forgive everyone who has ever hurt me, whether by chance or on purpose.
they all ask me, in awe,
?how do you do it??
& here?s what i say:
?what?s more painful ? holding petals or holding prickles??

they may call her pathetic.
they may call her dramatic.
they may call her a baby.
but she thinks it?s a blessing to feel everything so much
? goddess of spring

juhandbooks 27/01/2022

Super curtinho, o audiobook não tem nem 40min, gostei de algumas partes mas não é meu favorito da autora.

spoiler visualizar

poly 08/01/2022

O que me consola é o fato de que li em uns 20 minutos. Achei as temáticas boas porém mal desenvolvidas. Alguns textos foram legais mas novamente: foi muito do mesmo.
Acho que ainda vou ler outros lançamentos da autora mas se continuar com esse nível eu vou dropar.
Esses textos dela nessa vibe de agora não dão pra mim, porém foi bem ok. Valeu o entretenimento.

arislover 03/01/2022

mid como sempre
nada excepcional e nada horrível = amanda lovelace, ela provavelmente vai passar a vida toda escrevendo frases com espaços desnecessariamente longos, páginas brancas e ?&? e vai chamar isso de livro.

anyway aqui ta a única coisa que gostei:

take me to the library.
let?s find a dark corner in front of the stacks where they keep myths about lovers who could never measure up to us.
bite my neck.
show everyone i?m yours.

Nicole 31/12/2021

Não é o meu favorito ou está entre os meus livros favoritos da Amanda, mas com certeza vale a leitura. Leiam!

rafa 10/12/2021

Não sei como descrever a perfeição que esse livro é !

Todas as citações sobre as Deusas e toda a sua temática girando em torno da Deusa Persephone, e suas versões, sendo elas a Deusa da primavera e a Rainha do submundo. Só sei que esse virou um dos meus livros favoritos de poesias.

Amanda Lovelace tudo que você escreve e perfeito.

Rosália Salvatore 02/12/2021

eu amo demais os livros dessa mulher, cada um dos seus poemas sempre me toca de uma enorme maneira, e assim como em todos os outros que eu já li dela eu me senti extremamente conectada com a maneira como ela escolhe cada uma de suas palavras

demachadobe 10/11/2021

Sou muito suspeita pra falar sobre os livros da Amanda Lovelace hehe
Amei a temática com a Persephone!

Soph 09/11/2021

Flower Crowns and Fearsome Things
everyone loves a strong woman
until that woman
no longer tolerates their bullshit.
?the age-old proverb.

under the light of the full moon
she dances about wildly,
hoping an otherworldly being
will come whisk her away
& take her on a grand adventure.
?she?s so done with reality

?Pensa, PENSA no melhor livro dela, mds ainda preciso terminar os outros mas eu amei muito muuuuuiiiito esse, falou tantas vdds que ate arrepiou

?Agora minhas citações preferidas:

she cries just as much when
she?s completely happy
as she does when
she?s utterly devastated.
(she likes to think it?s enough to
water wildflower meadows.)
they may call her pathetic.
they may call her dramatic.
they may call her a baby.
but she thinks it?s a blessing
to feel everything so much.
?goddess of spring

she is not strong
she wields a sword.
she?s strong
she wields a sword.
get it right.
?she never needed a weapon to be powerful.

everyone loves a strong woman
until that woman
no longer tolerates their bullshit.
?the age-old proverb.

i refuse to be ashamed
of taking up my rightful space.
i refuse to apologize
for daring to have an opinion.
?it?s a pleasure to disappoint you.

when someone she loves is sad,
she stops at nothing to
make sure they feel better.
if she could, she would magic
a double rainbow into the sky
just to see a small smile on their face,
even though she can?t think of
a single soul in her life
who would do the same for her.
?being the dependable friend is difficult sometimes.

is it normal for a father
to make you feel like
your voice is so small
it doesn?t even matter?
?just a stupid, silly girl.

.under the light of the full moon
she dances about wildly,
hoping an otherworldly being
will come whisk her away
& take her on a grand adventure.
?she?s so done with reality

you don?t have to do very much
to make her happy.
just let her wear your t-shirt
& read her fairy tales
until she falls asleep.
?the only thing she needs is you.

covering you with
a blanket when you?re cold?
lightly running fingertips
over your scalp?
bringing you your
favorite pancakes in bed?
folding your clothes
without being asked to?
surprising you with
perfectly made coffee.
?how she shows her love without words.

there are days when she wants so badly to
escape her life for something simple & carefree?
to wake up in a cramped cottage
with a tangled & overgrown garden
where she can get drunk on tea
among butterflies & faeries.
oh, what a dream that would be.
she would never have to see anyone again.
?magic still has to exist somewhere, right?

when my heart shatters again,
i know i can always count
on my mother to show me
how to repair it.
bless her wisdom.
bless her selflessness.
bless her compassion.
bless her gentleness.
bless her everything.
may i grow to be
even half the woman she is.
?she?s the blueprint.

bless my mother?s anger.
i know if anyone should ever
try to inflict pain upon me,
she?ll bring the whole earth
to its knees to get justice for it.
?i wouldn?t mess with her wrath.

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