A Familiar Stranger

A Familiar Stranger A. R. Torre

Resenhas - A Familiar Stranger

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bookish_ginger 06/12/2022

Familiar Stranger is a bumpy ride to say the least
Lillian Smith lives a boring life; she repeatedly says so herself. Lillian used to write obituaries for celebrities but has fallen out of favour with her employer. And so, now she writes regular obituaries. She feels distant from her son and believes her husband is cheating on her. When Lillian meets an enigmatic man at a coffee shop, she invents a whole new persona for herself and commences her own steamy affair.

From the outset, the reader knows someone will die, but it?s not immediately clear who.

This domestic thriller has multiple POVs, with Lillian?s being the primary one.

There was a huge twist that totally changed the direction I thought this was going, and it left me gasping. The character development could have been a bit better. Some of the characters felt like caricatures. And Lillian calling herself boring didn?t exactly make me feel excited to read her story.

Overall, I did enjoy parts of this wild ride of a book. It was a quick read, and I may look at future books by the author. Although, I suspect this one won?t stay with me for very long.

Sarah Warman/ @travelholic_sarah 18/10/2022

Eu amo a A. R. Torre, amo o estilo dela escrever, mas confesso que esse não é o meu favorito e nem o melhor livro que já li dela.
A primeira metade do livro eu amei, mas a segunda metade eu achei lenta e um pouco chata de ler.
O livro tem várias reviravoltas mas eu acertei todas então achei um pouco previsível. Talvez meus instintos sejam muito bons pq leio muitos thrillers mas para mim foi previsível.
Mas tá ok pq eu amo essa autora e vou continuar lendo os livros dela.

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