Bad Mother

Bad Mother Mia Sheridan

Resenhas - Bad Mother

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Jessica1248 02/05/2023

"No one could win against Mother."?????
"He felt a little bit dizzy, his eyes trained on Sienna. Even with her hair pulled back tightly and her simple pair of gray slacks and white blouse, there was no denying her beauty. She?d been beautiful eleven years ago, and she was even more beautiful now, and he was honest enough with himself to admit that the stirring in his gut was longing. It hit him like a sledgehammer.
He?d never let go.
Even if he?d ensured she would never again be his."

"Mother was a genius with games, and try as I might, I could never win against her.
No one could win against Mother."

"Mother had always been a force to be reckoned with, but after she put my father to permanent rest, she was unstoppable. It?s like killing him had breathed an extra breath of life into her. She didn?t allow anyone to cross her, nor did she allow anyone to cross me. If something unfortunate did happen, she?d make it right, my mother."

"I didn?t want to be a nobody. But I already was."

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