Eu falar bonito um dia

Eu falar bonito um dia David Sedaris

Resenhas - Me Talk Pretty One Day

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Yuririn 26/08/2022

i should have picked up the audiobook before. Omg it was so much better, funnier and enjoyable. I liked the humor of the narrative, but i was also not feeling the mood to pick it up to read after putting it down. So when the audiobook fase came, it was awesome and the reading flew. I still think this book is not my thing, i don't usually enjoy reading "short stories", but it was not the worst either, some parts were funny and it has some interesting points too. It was good to get to know this book, but it was nothing extraordinary for me.

relamounier 02/03/2020

Eu não sei se é porque eu já me acostumei com o humor americano, ou se Sedaris é universalmente engraçado, mas esse livro me fez rir muito.
Os ensaios dedicados ao tempo que Sedaris passou na França e principalmente, as partes dedicadas ao seu processo de aprendizagem do francês são hilárias.
Recomendo fortemente para quem está querendo uma leitura mais leve.

Éowyn 23/04/2013

Me Talk Pretty One Day, Too. =D
I started reading Me Talk Pretty One Day after discovering the eBook among my endless epub files. The way the author writes is nice, and his inner dialogues and reveries are funny enough: worth the time you spend reading. But… I must say that – though the book was fairly funny – I expected more, because I swear I read somewhere that David Sedaris is the funniest writer nowadays and I started reading with that detail in mind.
The stories are about his life and experiences in several situations: very self-deprecating and (I am sure) a lot exaggerated. Me Talk Pretty One Day has (about) 29 essays concerning mainly his work, family and life in France with his boyfriend. I liked best the stories of his life in France, his difficulties learning French and his family.
One good thing: you don’t need to read the essays in the order they come, so I read the titles I liked more and read the rest afterwards. A Shiner Like a Diamond, See You Again Yesterday, Me Talk Pretty One Day, Picka Pocketoni, I’ll Eat What He’s Wearing and Late Show are the most interesting, but that is a matter of opinion and liking, so no way to make sure, as my mother (I read those stories for her) didn’t like them, but that might be because Sedaris is gay and she is kind of conservative…
4 stars.

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