Apartamento 16

Apartamento 16 Adam Nevill

Resenhas - Apartment 16

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Éowyn 24/02/2013

Not the kind of book I usually read, but I liked it.
The story? Madness.
At the same time, tells the story of Seth, a broken man who ran away from where he lived to come to live in London anonymously, after his dream of being an artist fell apart, and working as a night porter at Barrington House, and the story of Apryl, a young, beautiful woman who inherits an apartment from her great-aunt.
At Barrington House, where only old people, rich and tormented, lives, odd things happen, strange noises can be heard, all coming from the apartment 16, for decades empty. Apryl and Seth are caught in the middle of a chain of supernatural events that started fifty years ago; Apryl when she starts reading her great-aunt’s journals, and Seth when one night he takes a peek inside the empty apartment. While Apryl struggles to unveil the secrets about her great-uncle’s death and the cause of her great-aunt’s hallucinations detailed in the journals, Seth more and more involves himself with the supernatural, losing control of his mind and actions.
Both meet at the end of the book, and Apryl tries to face the evil inside apartment 16…

The narrative is good, it didn’t captivate me that much, but it was not tiresome. The chapters about Seth are filled with tension and very sad, they portray a lonely man, depressed, living in misery, losing himself in madness, lured and deceived by the evil and its arts. But they were the best chapters.

After I finished reading Apartment 16, I was thinking how much schizophrenic people must suffer, stuck in some terrible world, seeing things through a sick, perturbed mind…

This books wins 4 stars.

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