Lady Seductress

Lady Seductress's Ball Eliza Knight

Resenhas - Lady Seductress's Ball

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Kah 23/11/2011

The book starts with one of the many lascivous dreams Olivia, the Countess of March, has been having. And the main star is always the gorgeous rakehell Tristan, the Earl of Newcastle.

Olivia is suffering from what she calls 'amatory deficiency'. She yearns for a lover's hot touch and caress. All the things she's been hearing about in the ladies' retiring rooms. She craves and fantasizes for the attention and pleasure her sick, older husband hasn't been able to give her. She also regrets marrying him only to please her parents and to make their dying wish come true.

During her first dinner party, organized to celebrate her husband's recovery from a recent illness, she gets to meet Lord Tristan Newcastle. The tension becomes obvious and the sparks start to fly. After a brief rendezvous in the gardens they realize they cannot deny their desires anymore.

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