Mentir (Spanish Edition)

Mentir (Spanish Edition) Sam Harris

Resenhas - Lying

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Adriana 18/11/2022

Faz tempo que eu queria ler esse livro, mas não encontrava em português. Então me aventurei em espanhol e foi ótima a experiência. Li pelo KU, livro pequeno e objetivo. Sam Harris é um neurocientista que apresenta as diversas formas de mentir que o ser humano está 'acostumado' a levar como rotina diária. Muito boa reflexão.

Bianca1148 17/07/2020

?Saber que haremos el intento de decir la verdad, cualesquiera que sean las circunstancias, nos deja poco espacio para tener que prepararnos para nada. Podemos limitarnos a ser nosotros mismos?.
Muy buena lectura, llena de aprendizaje.

Moitta 21/06/2014

"To lie is to intentionally mislead others when they expect honest communication."

"People tell lies for many reasons. They lie to avoid embarrassment, to exaggerate their accomplishment, and to disguise wrongdoing. They make promises they do not intend to keep. They conceal defects in their product or services. They mislead competitors to gain advantage. Many of us lie to our friends and family menbers to spare their feelings."

"But it is in believing one thing while intending to communicate another that every lie is born."

"The opportunity to deceive others is ever present and often tempting, and each instance casts us onto some of the steepest ethical terrain we ever cross."

"To do this is also to hold a mirror up to one's life - because a commitment to telling the truth requires that one pay attention to what the truth is in every moment."

"Whom, exactly, are you helping by living this way? You might find that certain relationships cannot be honestly maintained."

"Ethical transgressions are generally divided into two categories: the bad things we do (acts of commission) and the good things we fail to do (acts of omission). We tend to judge the former far more harshly. The origin of this imbalance remains a mystery, but it surely relatos to the value we place on a person's energy and intent."

"Unless someone is suicidal or otherwise on the brink, deciding how much he can know about himself seems the quintessence of arrogance. What attitude could be more disrespectful of those we care about?"

"These silences are lacerating. Wisdom remains unshared, promises unmade, and apologies unoffered.The opportunity to say something useful to the people we love soon disappears, never to return."

"In fact, suspicion often grows on both sides of a lie: Research indicates that liars trust those they deceive less than they otherwise might - and the more damaging their lies, the less they trust, or even like, their victims. It seems that protecting their egos, and interpreting their own behaviours as justified, liars tend to deprecate the people they lie to."

"Many lives are almost scandal-proof. Vulnerability comes in pretending to be someone you are not."

"For instance, if a rumor spreads that a famous politician once fainted during a campaign speech, and the story is later revealed to be false, some significant percentage of people will recall it as a fact - even if they were first exposed to it in the very context of its debunking. In psychology, this is known as the "illusory truth effect." Familiarity breeds credence."

"Every lie is a direct assault upon the autonomy of those we lie to."

Lying is not only wrong, but a worst decision on the long term. In this amazingly short book, Sam Harris speaks upon white lies, trust, faint prise, secrets, lies in extreme situations, integrity, big lies, some personal tales and makes a case for truthfulness extremely compelling.

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