Double Crossed

Double Crossed Ally Carter

Resenhas - Double Crossed

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Fernanda 13/01/2013

What is it? A novella (something that is longer than a short story but shorter than a novel) where characters from Heist Society and Gallagher Girls meet!

When will it be available: January 22, 2013

Where will it be available: for now,just in the U.S., but we are offering it to my foreign publishers as well and I have it on good authority that many of them will be publishing it overseas.

Where can you buy it: From most places that sells books (I hope)

What format will it come in: E-version only. (Meaning there will be no paperback or hardback. Only digital copies. If you don’t have an eReader, rest assured. Most eBooks can be read on a regular computer with a few simple steps.)

What will it cost? Nothing! Yes, that’s right. This novella will be absolutely free!

Who is in it? Kat, Hale, Aunt Abby and Macey.

Why aren’t Zach and Cammie in it? Or Liz… Or Bex…: Because the book takes place between GG5 & GG6 and those characters aren’t around for when this story is happening. Most of them are busy doing other things.

Nati 05/01/2018

"Macey couldn't decide whether to be intrigued that Hale was walking around with a state-of-the-art covert communications device or be jealous because she'd been caught without one of her own."
Double Crossed é um conto que faz um crossover entre as duas principais séries da autora Ally Carter, trazendo como protagonistas a Macey, personagem principal de Ghallager Girls e o Hale, um dos personagens importantes de Heist Society. Apesar de não ter lido a série Ghallager Girls ainda (ou seja, não entendi uma boa parte das referências à série feitas aqui), adorei as personagens que encontrei aqui e achei que esse mundo de espiãs adolescentes casou muito bem com o grupo de Heist Society. Uma história divertida, que usa o melhor dos atributos de ambos os mundos para resolver o problema apresentado pela trama principal, que é simples mas bem construída e funciona super bem. Queria muito que a autora fizesse um livro completo de crossover das duas séries, porque adoraria ver outros personagens das duas histórias interagindo! E também fiquei super curiosa para iniciar Ghallager Girls!

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