Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained John Milton

Resenhas - Paradise Lost

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caiothulius 17/11/2023

Satã devia ter aparecido mais
O livro é muito bom, realmente dá para ver porque é um clássico, a escrita apesar de difícil pelos termos não é tão complicada, mas sinceramente Satã é o único personagem que presta, toda catarse do livro vêm dele.

Alexis.Sodre 15/08/2022

Me recomendaram muito tempo atrás então resolvi ler, finalmente, mas baixei a versão em inglês. Tive certa dificuldade, apesar da fluência em inglês, mas usando de apoio uma versão em português, consegui ler. É bem interessante.

Mariah 22/03/2022

1st topic: Adam and Eve.
Alternative tittle - 1st: Ok misss...sss.. fame, let's make this partyyy psychological.

Nice, we have obedience and humans do not like that. It in the most dark places, in the most deep abyss, we watch that clear aspect in its most dark monstrous form. This trace of human, since Eden, not liking to obey. We can... see, it's hard to get the image into mind because it's a really disgusting monster, we can see... the tragic way of the most hard level and intensity of that expression in: Karen kids.

The essence of humanity is... their kids.

They do not process this thing, we have to punish and control the beasts. We try our best teaching the manners, the sense. Because they are humans, in its essence. They have these hard feelings we have, but they don't know how to deal with it. Well, we don't either, but we do not scream every time we feel them. Being mad with broccoli is just us being mad with our job. Their job is to eat healthy, our job is to be happy doing an actual job. It is the same stress. They were used to milk, a sweet thing that comes from the person we feel love for. To stop this pleasure is as hard as having to start living alone without the pleasures of eating for free, and all the other stuff that comes with it. The young adulthood is stressful, and a lot of us would love to be able to just scream as Karen's kids. Not getting the candy or the toy we wanted (3-7 yo) is the feeling of rejection by the hot girl we wanted
(18-literally like 75? yo, those guys these days doesn't know when to stop), the feeling of rejection by the hot girl we wanted ...but we will not have. We cry with rejection, they cry without the realization of their desire. Well, both are desires.

...we have obedience and humans, usually, do not like that.
Most of the humans do not like to serve. Well, they have a little of God's essence, made like a mirror, biblically saying. And, God is the one who... you know... controls.
A point is: God made Adam and Eve people who would control animals and nature (Bible font). But, what's the point on creating these weird things with hands and feet who are able to control and dominate the earth, nature, animals, AND TO DONT MAKE THEM ABLE TO CONTROL THEMSELVES??????
Jesus for the other hand is passionate about serving. While having some boys following him by serving their own will. Actually, their apostles weren't serving him, were doing it by their beliefs. Their wish, the motivation, was not "serving a master". Ok, humans who serve.... A part of the holy Trinity who serves. Feels like a plan to harmony.

Second topic: The story.

In analysis matter it gets into a point making more clear how the story makes our daily lives, our essence of life, all we have to do, a nightmare, a pessimistic view,
a punishment.
That, is more clear than the blank of our own eyes,
when the text gets into a woman and a man in Eden, being the ideal of divine obedience and perfection know ...until the snake.
They have zero issues, they do not have any mother to get any type of psychological issue, trauma, any problem on the Freudian table. Psychoanalysis shit...
They do not have a horrible father.
What makes Adam and Eve the essence of the imperfect parenthood
...that gets us even deeper in our sinful nature.

They? They, in Eden, do be living the supposed perfect circumstances.
They control, they are supreme, animals just a thing to serve their needs, anything goes bad, no fears violences, no of nothing, no and no and no just yes yes go kid. Feels suspect for me. And as us do not have any control of ourselves or nature, it's a story that makes our life a miserable thing and a pessimistic view. A storytelling that basically says that we live a punishment for our ancient parent's sins.
And it's an eternal cycle because parents will be bad, with effort regular as Winnicot would say, the need: regular parents. So, in post-modernity, no news.

Third topic: The concept.

Ok, as i know, in my 2000's horror films experience extravaganza, to inheriting the consequences from your ancestor's unsatisfying actions know ...generation through generation, passing those consequences, is something like... a curse, curses. Doesn't feel like a great perfect divine sense of "good"(what represents god) explanation. God could kill Adam and Eve and create another humans and see if they would act the same way (like what god exactly did later with "deluge").

We have to admit that this aspect is not a good x evil thing. But, instead, is a classic characteristic of divine creatures. The generation to generation consequences thing. The multiple Gods did that, Christian God did that, Devil and he's people did and do that, and yeah.

Paradise Lost could be a romantic writing, with metaphoric erotic and mystic game of words!!, (since it would be hidden by a supposed girl and loved one). Would be easier to read, as it always is. Anyway, someone "kind of" did that, but too short and too not with vision, just for music industry, understandable. Still, for a little song, amazing and well orchestrated. Quoting the song:

"Paradise lost in your eyes
I know you better than anyone
Blessed with this curse my whole life
Won't let me shake

I'm shaken"

Well... I didn't remember this "curse" word there. What a coincidence with my analysis. Anyway, it has cool digital arts if you want to do a paradise lost PowerPoint, so it's worthy to take a look... it is from a band called "the used".
Mariah 22/03/2022minha estante
can't believe i wrote all this just to practice my english vocab

Lude 12/09/2014

Como protestante e leitor voraz que sou, admito que a comparativamente escassa quantidade de obras-primas inspiradas diretamente pelo protestantismo me deixa um tanto incomodado. Assim, acho que é compreensível meu sentimento de alma lavada após ler este "Paradise Lost".

Em parte devido à leitura feita deste livro pelos românticos, o personagem mais conhecido é Satanás - protótipo do herói byroniano. Não à toa: Milton o dotou de uma eloquência e de uma grandeza dramática que fazem jus à representação teológica do Diabo como sedutor das nações. É compreensível que as pessoas de tendências mais rebeldes vejam nele um herói, um campeão da causa da liberdade - ainda que esta precise de umas aspas. Pessoalmente, tendo a me alinhar com aqueles que enxergam no Satanás de Milton um vilão - dos melhores que já vi na literatura, mas ainda assim vilão. Sua capacidade de ganhar os outros com seu carisma e discurso agradável é apenas mais uma faceta de sua vilania, visto que quem o segue se torna participante de sua condenação. Vilão ou não, tenho que admitir que o poema sempre cresce quando ele está em cena.

De quebra o livro dá também uma introdução elegante a uma certa linha da teologia protestante, com críticas à união entre poder secular e religião, assim como ao apego aos aspectos sensoriais da prática religiosa (prédios, altares, etc.).

Em suma, um livro que fez por merecer sua fama. A lista de obras-primas do protestantismo segue menor que a do catolicismo, por exemplo, mas é bom poder contar com Milton no nosso campo.

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