Audrey, Wait!

Audrey, Wait! Robin Benway

Resenhas - Audrey, Wait!

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Meg Cabot 22/11/2009

- 10/04/08: Audrey, Wait is a great book that I couldn’t put down during a flight. I’m betting you’ll love it as much as I did. Audrey’s dating a high school slacker, and when she dumps him he shows an uncharacteristic burst of energy (or B.O.E. as I like to call it), and writes a song about her that is soon racing up the charts.
Now everyone in the whole country knows SHE’s the Audrey in the song, and she can’t even go to her dorky job in the mall ice cream parlor (with the equally dorky co-worker she might be crushing on) without church groups stopping by to stare at her through the window. This book cracked me up because Audrey is so sarcastic (and, having dated my fair share of them, her slacker boyfriend was very realistically depicted). I hope we’ll be hearing a lot more from Robin Benway.

>> trecho do blog da autora Meg Cabot sobre o livro Audrey, Wait.

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