Lone Star Sheriff

Lone Star Sheriff Kat Baxter


Lone Star Sheriff (Saddle Creek, TX: The Crawfords #06)

A Fake Relationship/Curvy Girl Romance


I’ve known Madison Crawford was mine since we were teenagers. Timing, circumstances, and my good manners have kept me from claiming her as my own. Now, the ex who left her at the altar is back asking for a second chance, and I’m done playing by the rules. She thinks I’m nothing more than a stick-in-the-mud, but she’s about to find out what happens when I’m not in uniform. No more Mr. Nice Guy. It’s time for the proverbial gloves to come off. Time for me to put my handcuffs to better use. She needs to see that she belongs in my bed now and forever.


I’m tired of town gossip. Which is ironic since, as the secret author of the Saddle Peek, I practically invented gossip in this town. When my past comes back–literally–claiming he made a mistake, I have too much pride to run and hide. Everyone in town is waiting to see if my ex is going to break my heart all over again. Instead, the unthinkable happens. Caleb Burton, Sheriff McHottie himself, comes to my rescue. Suddenly, I’m in a fake relationship with the most irresistible guy in town. Is he just being my hero because it’s his literal job? Or could he actually want a troublemaker like me?

From USA Today Bestselling Author, Kat Baxter, comes the final book in the Crawford family series. If you love opposites attract, curvy women, fake relationships and small town romance, then you'll love Lone Star Sheriff.

Contos / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Lone Star Sheriff


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Me surpreendeu!
on 7/2/24

Eu confesso que não estava muito animada para ler esse livro, não. Esse lance de ex noivo voltando à cena é o tipo de drama que não curto nos romances. E também não gosto muito quando ele se apaixona primeiro, mas essa história me pegou totalmente de surpresa e não foi nada do que eu temia que seria. Ela foi ótima do começo ao fim. Amei a Madison e o Caleb. Ele esperou por ela por muitos anos, mas quando a oportunidade surgiu, não perdeu mais tempo e foi com tudo. E que homem é esse, m... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
12/01/2024 17:47:18
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
12/01/2024 17:47:32

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