Lords of Kellesborne

Lords of Kellesborne M. L. Rhodes


Lords of Kellesborne

(The Draegan Lords #2)

Part 2 in the Draegan Lords series

A hundred years ago, the high sorcerer of Velensperia launched a swift and deadly attack against the draegans—a race of dragon shapeshifters who’d always lived in harmony with the humans. The draegans were all but destroyed, with the few who remained, scattered and in hiding. But after a century of cruel repression, a group of them have united and begun to fight back. Their leader, Keiran Hareldson, is determined to free his people from the high sorcerer’s tyranny.

Gaige Rizik used to be the captain of the sorcerer’s High Guard, and known for his lethal ability to hunt down his prey with no remorse. His last assignment was to infiltrate the draegan rebel’s camp, identify the leader, and eliminate him. But the more deeply Gaige became entrenched with the draegans and their passionate, compelling leader, the more torn he became over his mission. Keiran sparked powerful emotions in Gaige and stirred a longing in him he couldn’t deny. No one, least of all him, expected him to fall in love with the very man he’d sworn to kill. When he chose to defect to the draegans’ side, his betrayal to the sorcerer came at a high personal cost. Left for dead in the sorcerer’s dungeon, Keiran barely found him in time.

Now, the hunter has become the hunted. With the high sorcerer bent on annihilating every last draegan and all those who support them, a secret revealed from Keiran’s past becomes their best hope for survival. From the deep forests of Velensperia to the ancient draegan stronghold of Kellesborne, only the strength of two determined men and their fierce love for one another stand between the people they protect and an evil conjured from the bowels of hell itself.

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Lords of Kellesborne



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12/02/2014 21:46:58

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