Lords of the Nile

Lords of the Nile Jonathan Spencer


Lords of the Nile

The battle for Empire rages across Egypt The thrilling second novel in the William John Hazzard series, following Napoleon's Run. Malta, June 1798. Captured by the French after hurling himself into enemy ranks, Hazzard is now a prisoner of his arch-nemesis, spycatcher Citizen Derrien, but has uncovered the true purpose of Napoleons armada: the conquest of Egypt. Their bold plan is to cut open the ancient Suez Canal to the Red Sea and attack India, the jewel in Englands crown. The survival of nations in the balance, Nelson scours the Mediterranean for the French in vain. If Hazzard cant convince Admiralty Intelligence of a desperate plan, an ancient world will be lost for ever. But help comes from an unexpected quarter: the missing Admiralty agent... As French cannons roar in the desert sands and the Mamluk cavalry sweeps in to attack, Hazzard fights to prevent a lost cause turning into tragedy. From the shores of Malta to the epic encounter at the Battle of the Nile this is the explosive beginning of the French conquest of Egypt. Never give up the boat. Praise for Jonathan Spencer Stupendous... Lords of the Nile has such a breathtakingly frenetic plot that I found myself getting faster and faster in my reading, tearing through the pages, only to realise that I was trying to match the pace of the characters and the plot. It is so immersive you cant help but be sucked into it, swept away by it, pushed to tears by it and utterly enthralled by it. Jonathan Spencer is now one of my Must read authors, a drop-what-youre-doing-(or whatever else you are reading)-and-read-it-now writer. My favourite book this year. Parmenion Books on Lords of the Nile This is an outstanding novel, made even more remarkable by its début status. Better than Sharpe, gripping and intense, Napoleons Run deserves to be a runaway success Ben Kane, Sunday Times bestselling author of Lionheart on Napoleon's Run 'Hornblower meets Mission: Impossible. A thrilling, page-turning debut packed with rousing, rip-roaring action' J. D. Davies, author of the Matthew Quinton Journals on Napoleon's Run

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