Lost to the Alien Lord

Lost to the Alien Lord Ella Blake


Lost to the Alien Lord (Lords of Destra Book #1)

A Sci-Fi Alien Romance

I signed up for a research mission with five other women. Instead, we crashed on an alien planet with too many dangers to count. Separated from the other women, I’m on my own until a huge alien with color-changing skin and a massive sword gets me out of a bad spot. I don’t understand Savair’s language, but I think he’s under the impression that I’m his.

I am NOT his. I’m a 34-year old divorced scientist with no time for such nonsense. But if he can help me find the others in my group then perhaps I can play at being “his” for a while. It’s not a hardship. He’s the sexiest male I’ve ever met with a jawline to die for, but there’s no way I’ll fall for this guy. Nope. Not a chance…

Jetta makes me ache. I desire her the moment I pull her from a Brakken meat trap. Her soft, warm body awakens hungers long banked. But my Sola, the living ship I am bound to, is dying, and thus, so am I. I must find a way to save my Sola and my mate, or none of us will survive.

This is book one of the Lords of Destra series. Each is a complete story with no cliffhangers or cheating. My books always have consent and a happy ending. Cheers!


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Lost to the Alien Lord


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Fated to the Alien Lord
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Lost to the Alien Lord
on 7/7/22

Esperava mais mas foi bonzinho. A autora não criou uns aliens diferentes, apenas mudou a cor deles. O plot foi chato e os vilões foram previsíveis. Foi bom mas não foi incrível.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.6 / 12
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cadastrou em:
16/05/2022 19:37:01
editou em:
16/05/2022 19:37:10

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