Love Me

Love Me A. M. Arthur


Love Me (Finding Free #8)

How can an earnest alpha help a guarded omega hell-bent on not being helped at all?

Alpha Caden Cross’s life has been on display since the day he was born, thanks to being the rare twin son of famous parents. Certain he’ll never live up to the rest of his family, he finds solace in unhealthy, somewhat dangerous activities, disinterested in finding a mate—until a gorgeous omega stripper named Zaq captures his undivided attention. Despite their mind-blowing chemistry, Zaq isn’t interested in more than a one-off, which leaves Caden confused…and determined to change his mind.

Omega Zaquary “Zaq” Callahan has lived life on his own terms since moving to Sansbury four years ago. Recluse by day, exotic dancer by night, and in complete control of his sexuality, he refuses to mate or fall under another alpha’s thumb. His sizzling encounter with Caden awakens long-buried desires in Zaq, so he does the only thing he can think of—he pushes Caden away to protect them both.

Zaq’s independence and quiet grief intrigue Caden, and neither man can deny their chemistry. But each has his own personal demons, silent struggles, and self-doubts. When the most tragic part of Zaq’s past sends his present into a tailspin, he has to make a choice: manage things alone like always, or rely on the strength of Caden’s affection and trust the young alpha with his future…and maybe even his heart.

LOVE ME is the eighth book in the “Finding Free” omegaverse series, which is a spin-off of the fan-favorite “Breaking Free” series. This is an original universe featuring mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, heats, knotting and an alpha-dominated society that is starting to see big advances in omega rights. Content warnings for dark themes apply.

Edições (1)

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Love Me


Resenhas para Love Me (1)

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on 6/10/22

Achei a história rasa, com pouco desenvolvimento dos personagens e com falas e arcos repetitivos. Não consigo gostar do Caden e achei ruim a tentativa de colocar a culpa de tudo que eles fez no vício. Queria mais da história do Zaq, achei bem podre e corrido o modo como a gente fica sabendo sobre sua vida em outra província. E se tirasse a repetição de coisas daria pra cortar boas páginas, só a história do Zaq deve ter saído repetida umas 5 vezes, e dessas 5 umas 4 pela voz do Caden ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/09/2022 20:37:29
editou em:
14/09/2022 20:37:46

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