Love Radio

Love Radio Ebony LaDelle


Love Radio

Hitch meets The Sun Is Also a Star in this witty and romantic teen novel about a self-professed teen love doctor with a popular radio segment who believes he can get a girl who hates all things romance to fall in love with him in only three dates.
Prince Jones is the guy with all the answers--or so it seems. After all, at seventeen, he has his own segment on Detroit's popular hip-hop show, Love Radio, where he dishes out advice to the brokenhearted.

Prince has always dreamed of becoming a DJ and falling in love. But being the main caretaker for his mother, who has multiple sclerosis, and his little brother means his dreams will stay just that and the only romances in his life are the ones he hears about from his listeners.

Until he meets Dani Ford.

Dani isn't checking for anybody. She's focused on her plan: ace senior year, score a scholarship, and move to New York City to become a famous author. But her college essay keeps tripping her up and acknowledging what's blocking her means dealing with what happened at that party a few months ago.

And that's one thing Dani can't do.

When the romantic DJ meets the ambitious writer, sparks fly. Prince is smitten, but Dani's not looking to get derailed. She gives Prince just three dates to convince her that he's worth falling for.

Three dates for the love expert to take his own advice, and just maybe change two lives forever.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (2)

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Love Radio
Love Radio


Resenhas para Love Radio (4)

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Fofo e necessário
on 4/2/23

Ler esse livro na mesma semana que perdemos a grande jornalista Glória Maria me fez refletir muito sobre a importância de pessoas pretas como referência para outras pessoas pretas. Dani e Prince têm como referencia para os seus sonhos grandes autoras negras e grandes musicistas negros, eles admiram essas pessoas e as usam como inspiração para chegar onde desejam chegar. Ao longo do livro eles também citam muitos cantores pretos, artistas, além de suas próprias famílias e amigos. Tudo... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.1 / 20
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cadastrou em:
18/06/2022 14:30:02
editou em:
18/06/2022 14:30:31

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