Mail-Order Brides of the West

Mail-Order Brides of the West Caroline Fyffe


Mail-Order Brides of the West

MAIL-ORDER BRIDES OF THE WEST: HEATHER - Book Four in the McCutcheon Family Series (Western Historical Romance) Mail-order-bride-to-be Heather Stanford dreads the day the matron of the St. Louis bridal agency finds her a husband and sends her west. Heather actually has no desire to marry; she just wants to free her struggling family from the financial burden of another mouth to feed. Still, she holds true to her plan when the fateful day arrives and Mrs. Seymour sings the praises of her prospective groom. She girds herself to leave behind all she holds dear, and wonders if anyone can live up to the matron's glowing description. After a mill accident leaves Hayden Klinkner's father injured, he's faced with the challenge of a huge order to fill-short-handed-on a tight timeline. Further complicating matters, the handsome, dyed-in-the-wool bachelor discovers his meddling mother has a surprise to share with him-a wife! With the pressure he's under, a wife--even one as lovely and suitable as Heather Stanford--is the last thing he needs. Y Knot, Montana is set abuzz when the "Mail-Order Bride Done Wrong" goes back on the market and every eligible man for miles around is interested. Hayden's eyes are now opened, but can he convince Heather he's a changed man? Can he win back her heart before she says "I do" with someone else? The McCutcheon Family Series in Order: Book One - MONTANA DAWN Book Two - TEXAS TWILIGHT Book Three - MAIL-ORDER BRIDES OF THE WEST: EVIE Book Four - MAIL-ORDER BRIDES OF THE WEST: HEATHER Watch for more exciting Mail-Order Brides of the West books to come....

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