Make me Your

Make me Your Tia Louise


Make me Your

He’s a billionaire single dad who needs help.
She’s a sassy single gal who needs work.
Live-in nanny? What could go wrong?

Remington Key: I left the Navy, scored a billion in tech, got married, and had a baby. I did everything by the book. Happily ever after, right?

Fast-forward four years, and I’m alone, raising my daughter, caring for my mother-in-law, and trying to keep my stuff together. How did this happen?

I was clearly drunk the night I offered a gorgeous girl in a bar $500 a day to be my live-in nanny. Or maybe it was my dick talking.

So what if I’ve been alone since forever? I’m focused on launching my new business, not bedding the sexy siren who sleeps down the hall.

At least that’s what I keep reminding myself…

Ruby Banks: Remington Key is distant, brooding, and ridiculously sexy. And when he scoops up his adorable four-year-old daughter Lillie and blows raspberries on her tummy while she squeals with delight, my ovaries literally explode.

Bumping into him at our local pub that night slightly drunk and overly frustrated was a total accident. He needed help, and it was the Christian thing to help a man in need. Right?

Only, Remington Key does not make me feel very Christ-like… No matter how committed I am to being a responsible employee.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Make me Your


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on 20/2/19

Make me Yours é um livro doce e leva sem nada de inovador ou surpreendente . Eu gostei da relação da pequena Lillie com seu pai e com ruby, foi cheia de momentos doces e que arrancam sorrisos no rosto . Acho que aqui o que achei meio apressado foi o relacionamento entre os protagonistas , achei tudo muito corrido . Mas acho que o livro ao todo Ainda é uma boa leitura para quem gosta de livros com uma garotinha fofa que vai derreter seu coração . * eu recebi um Arc em troca de uma re... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 2
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cadastrou em:
20/02/2019 23:14:47
editou em:
20/02/2019 23:17:07

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