
Max Harmony Raines


Max (Three Silverback Bears and a Baby #1)

These bachelor brothers are about to have their world turned upside down!

Max, Tad, and Jake think fate—and mates—have passed them by. Resigned to life alone, they have each put all their energy into their careers. However, change arrives in the small but perfectly formed guise of baby Milly. Orphaned when her mother overdoses on drugs, Milly brings out the protective side in all three bear shifter brothers.

Well, Jake might need a little persuading!

But that's not all.

When Milly's foster mom, Josephine, comes to visit, Max instantly knows she is his mate. Max is more than ready to open his heart and his home to Milly and Josephine. But Josephine has a hidden past, and as danger threatens, he will do whatever it takes to keep his new family safe.

Josephine has a past she’d rather forget. But visions of the abuse she suffered at the hands of an ex-boyfriend are impossible to wipe from her memory. Not that she’s let his actions prevent her building a good life for herself. One where she provides love and care for children in need.

However, she’s never let anyone else in. She’s never allowed herself to trust another man.

But now Max tells her she is his mate. Josephine knows what that means. And she wants to be part of a family, a real loving family, for the first time. Can she open her heart to love?

Just when she finds the answer to that question, her past finally catches up with her.

Max, Tad and Jake think fate-and mates- have passed them by. Resigned to life alone, they have each put all their energy into their careers. But change arrives in the small, perfectly formed, guise of baby Milly. Orphaned when her mother overdoses on drugs, she brings out the protective side in all three brothers.

Well, Jake might need a little pursuading!

But that's not all.

When Milly's foster mom comes to visit, Max instantly knows she is his mate.

If you love reading about hot seasoned shifters finding their mates, this is the series for you. Book one, Max - Three Silverback Bears and a Baby can be read as a standalone.

Edições (1)

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Resenhas para Max (2)

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on 12/11/21

Os irmãos Max, Trad e Jake estão a tanto tempo a espera de sua companheira verdadeira que chegaram a conclusão que o destino esqueceu deles. Por conta disso, focaram em suas respectivas carreiras. Porém a mudança começa quando a bebê Milly entra em suas vidas. Sua mãe morreu de uma overdose de drogas, ela era prima dos rapazes, que agora são seus guardiões legais, mas antes de serem encontrados ela viveu com Josephine, uma mãe adotiva, que se apegou a menina. Um dia quando ela vai vis... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
01/07/2021 19:19:50
editou em:
01/07/2021 19:20:10

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