Mental Muscle

Mental Muscle Logan Christopher


Mental Muscle

How to Use the Full Power of Your Mind to Develop Superhuman Strength

How to Make Impossible Feats of Strength Become Easy - And Bust Far Beyond Your Current PRs.

Imagine you have under 7 minutes to increase the reps on your hardest exercise by 350%, without any changes to your physical technique. Well, there is ONLY ONE way you can achieve this kind of a jump in your PRs, without any adjustment to your form… It is only by employing certain little-known secrets of mind-control that you can ever hope to blow through your PR barriers with this level of instant success. Want to make the impossible possible on a routine basis? Want to discover instant strength gain secrets hidden from 99.97% of all current personal trainers? Utilized successfully by a tiny handful of elite strongmen and world-class athletes? Then Mental Muscle is your magic bullet.

“Mental Muscle is THE mind manual for people who want to intentionally connect their brain to their body and experience amazing results now. As in RIGHT NOW. In this breakthrough book, Logan completely demystifies mental training, making it as easy to understand as hoisting a barbell. You'll get the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ and immediately be able to plug in easy-to-understand techniques to improve yourself and crush obstacles like a sledgehammer. I can think of no other manual that gives you as many workable methods and can get you moving forward as quickly as Mental Muscle. Trust me, you've been waiting for this book. Thankfully, it's finally here.” - Mike Gillette, Member, Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame, Bodyguard to Fortune 500 execs, Subject-Matter Expert for TSA and Department of Homeland Security, author of Rings of Power.

Here is the complete blueprint on how to make instant, massive strength gains a reality — step-by-step, with nothing overlooked and nothing held back, in a format you can replicate at will, over and over and over and over.

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Mental Muscle


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19/05/2020 00:36:00

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