Mind Over Murder

Mind Over Murder william Kienzle


Mind Over Murder (Father Koesler #3)

Father Robert Koesler unravels his third mystery, this time zeroing in on one of six suspects, each with a motive for revenge, to solve the case of Detroit's missing monsignor.

In Mind over Murder, writer William X. Kienzle challenges the reader to a game of reasoning. He sets the stage—Detroit's east side—and situation: Monsignor Thomas Thompson antagonizes a number of people and then mysteriously disappears. His Cadillac is found in a parking lot, with fingerprints wiped clean from the interior and an empty cartridge from a .32 caliber pistol and a bloody tissue left behind. Foul play is suspected by Detroit police and press.

Father Koesler, central character in the Kienzle series, is called into the case by Walter Koznicki, inspector for the police department, to interpret the Catholic connection.

Thompson's diary, found by Joe Cox, reporter for the Detroit Free Press, becomes a prime piece of evidence in the puzzle. The contents, exposing his innermost thoughts to investigators and the press, foreshadow ominous happenings.

Whodunit? One by one, suspects are implicated by virtue of mention in Thompson's diary. Each has a grudge against him. Each knows the moment when he will be most vulnerable. And each has a perfect alibi—almost.

Kienzle sets up a rational situation and, with motivation established for the suspects, all the reader has to do is add up the clues. But, as Inspector Koznicki comments, "With unpredictable human nature, every logical bit of evidence can point in one directions, only to prove a false lead."

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Mind Over Murder


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Gostei muito
on 7/6/21

O começo e meio confuso e chato. Já estava desanimado com o livro é pensando se seria tipo o anterior. Pensando em desistir da série. Mas do nada a coisa muda de uma forma que fica sensacional. Gostei muito da maneira que o autor contou a história, de forma diferente do que costumo ler. Gostei muito.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
04/06/2021 04:16:27
editou em:
04/06/2021 04:17:04

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