Mindful Relationship Habits

Mindful Relationship Habits S.J. Scott...


Mindful Relationship Habits

25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection

Feel disconnected from your spouse or partner? Struggle to keep your relationship fresh? Worried that everything will end in heartbreak?

It's easy to fall in love. The challenging part is keeping that spark alive while you and your partner deal with "the real world."

Your relationship can often seem less urgent than the day-to-day emergencies that you deal with -- your job, finances, children, and that to-do list full of chores. They all demand your immediate attention. So how do you find the time to nurture your love and intimacy??

What often gets lost in the shuffle is the love you share with your partner. Maybe you've neglected some of the positive habits you adopted when you were dating to win over your love partner. Or perhaps all of your conversations seem to end in arguments? Or worse, you might occasionally wonder if your relationship is even worth salvaging.

The Solution: Build Mindful Relationship Habits

If you want to build a deeper connection with your spouse or partner, then one solution is to build "Mindful Relationship Habits."

In a mindful relationship, you are intentional about all your choices and interactions with your partner. You become more proactive in responding to each other's needs and less reactive to the challenges that often arise. You evolve to a higher level of interaction with one another.

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Mindful Relationship Habits


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on 13/2/21

Ajuda a identificar e praticar hábitos saudáveis, mas é bastante prolixo. O livro reúne diversos estudos e trabalhos científicos como referência para criar os hábitos e, considerando que não aprofunda nesses estudos, poderia ser mais sucinto. Os hábitos em si são relevantes e cobrem praticamente todos os principais aspectos de construção de uma relação profunda. Recomendo.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/01/2021 11:53:27
editou em:
30/01/2021 11:55:59

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