Mission: Her Justice

Mission: Her Justice Anna Hackett


Mission: Her Justice (Team 52 #08)

When a dangerous redhead invades his office and his base, and warns that his team is in danger, Director Jonah Grayson doesn’t know if she’s friend or foe.

Former elite Army aviator Jonah Grayson was forced to give up flying, but now serves as director of the covert black ops team, Team 52. He takes care of the brass in Washington D.C. to ensure his team can do their job: keeping the world safe from dangerous, ancient artifacts. But when he’s confronted by a tough, skilled, mysterious redhead with a warning that his team is being targeted, he’ll do whatever it takes in order to find out who she is and what she wants.

Evan Fletcher’s life has imploded. She’s on the run, been labeled a rogue and traitor, and she knows a very bad, powerful man has Team 52 in his sights. He’s after a deadly artifact and wants the team out of his way...but Evan plans to stop him. She’ll use all of her particular skill set to bring him down, clear her name, and protect Team 52…and that includes the team’s handsome, oh-so-tempting director.

Surrounded by danger at every turn, Evan and Jonah are drawn to each in ways they can’t explain. To keep Team 52 safe, stop the enemy, and find justice for Evan, they will put everything on the line. But when you’re under fire, trust is hard, and falling in love is even harder.

**Each book in this action-packed military romance series can be read as a standalone.

Romance / Romance policial

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Mission: Her Justice


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on 28/3/24

Último da série Team 52. Temos aqui a história de Jonah Grayson, ele é o diretor da equipe, aquele que faz toda a parte burocrática e social. Quando o bunker secreto do Team 52 é invadido por uma mulher, Jonah faz de sua missão descobrir quem é ela. Evan Fletcher é uma agente da CIA que foi rotulada como traidora de seu país e agora a única coisa que ela quer é provar sua inocência. Será que Jonah irá ajudar Evan e o mais importante, será que ele acreditará em sua inocência? Gostei... leia mais


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27/12/2020 20:37:27
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28/12/2020 05:41:02

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