Mister Bossy

Mister Bossy Jenna Cook


Mister Bossy (The Mister Series #4)

Jenna Cook turns up the heat in this short and steamy romance novella about a strong-willed small town waitress and a bossy alpha billionaire who is used to getting what he wants!

I’m back in this old town for a single purpose. This stop is just one of many, a mere footnote in my five year plan.
One city at a time, I’m building my empire.
I didn’t mean to cross paths with Penny, a sweet and innocent small town waitress. But now that I’ve seen her, I can’t get her out of my head.
One thing about me? When I see something that I want, I don’t stop until it’s mine.
Right now I want her.
She says won’t be conquered like a business deal in the boardroom, or owned like my many real estate properties.
She also says that she doesn’t like being told what to do…but the way her body responds to my touch doesn't lie.
What Penny doesn’t realize yet is that she can learn to love being bossed around, both in and out of the bedroom.
I’m just the man to teach her how fun obeying can be.

This mysterious out-of-towner is the most frustrating man I’ve ever met.
One minute he’s a sweet-talking gentleman.
The next, he’s whispering naughty fantasies in my ear while his hand gropes me beneath my dress!
He’s not my type. I need my independence. I need freedom.
No matter how irresistible Grant is, the fact of the matter is that he is bossy, arrogant, and…dominant.
Very dominant.
I know that Grant is just looking for a quick hookup. But if that’s true, why won’t he leave me alone? Why does he keep pursuing me, chasing me, like he can’t get enough?
He’s not my type, but apparently I’m his.

Mr. Bossy is a short and steamy standalone romance. No cliffhangers! No cheating! And a happily ever after guaranteed.


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Mister Bossy


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Grant o mocinho dos sonhos
on 6/4/23

Finalizando essa série de mocinhos que são cadelinhas da mocinha gordinha e independente e esse último livro tem meu coração, Grant, você foi o mais apaixonante e romântico de todos, essa série é mais madura e diferente pois todas as situações, exceto a do terceiro livro, acontecem no meio de trabalho, mas eu AMEI, os mocinhos são super apaixonantes e te fazem se sentir melhor e mais confiante sobre seu corpo, a autora deixa a história de uma forma que você (quem está lendo) seja a moc... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
29/03/2023 10:53:37
editou em:
29/03/2023 11:12:48

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