Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals B.K. Borison


Mixed Signals (Lovelight #3)

Layla Dupree has given up on love.

She's waded through all of the fish in the sea, each one more disappointing than the last. Apparently owning the bakery at Inglewild's most romantic destination does not help one's love life―despite her best efforts. All she wants is a partner who gives her butterflies, not someone who ghosts her at dinner and leaves her with the check.

Good thing Caleb Alvarez has the perfect solution.

After saving Layla from another date gone bad, he has a simple proposition: One month of no-strings dating. He'll do his best to renew her faith in men while she rates his dating game. It's a win-win situation. All the benefits of dating, without the added pressure of feelings and unmet expectations.

But there's one ingredient they haven't considered. The chemistry between them is red hot and the urge to take things to the next level is more tempting than Layla's double fudge mocha brownies.

Will the heat between them boil over? Or will it be another case of mixed signals?

Mixed Signals is a sweet and steamy small-town romance. Our story features a bashful man who can rock a Hawaiian shirt, a hopeful and dreamy bakery owner, enough sweets to give you a cavity, and your favorite Inglewild residents. Mixed Signals is a standalone romance and the third book in the Lovelight series, a collection of interconnected novels.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Humor, Comédia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Mixed Signals


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on 29/1/23

Foi uma surpresa eu ter gostado tanto do livro, pq eu peguei de uma recomendação do tiktok (e todos sabem que isso pode ser ou mt bom ou mt ruim, nesse caso foi mt bom). O desenvolvimento do romance dos dois é uma coisa leve e realista, eles realmente vão se conhecendo e gostando aos poucos. A única coisa que nao gostei muito foi que as vezes a escrita me pareceu confusa, ai eu não entendia o que exatente estava acontecendo, mas, tirando isso, foi uma leitura mt boa, só demorei mesmo p... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 158
ranking 41
ranking 42
ranking 11
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
29/08/2022 23:25:32
editou em:
05/09/2022 15:13:47

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