Mr. Monster

Mr. Monster Dan Wells


Mr. Monster (John Cleaver #2)

I killed a demon. I don’t know if it was really, technically a demon, but I do know that he was some kind of monster, with fangs and claws and the whole bit, and he killed a lot of people. So I killed him. I think it was the right thing to do. At least the killing stopped.

Well, it stopped for a while.

In I Am Not a Serial Killer, John Wayne Cleaver saved his town from a murderer even more appalling than the serial killers he obsessively studies. But it turns out even demons have friends, and the disappearance of one has brought another to Clayton County. Soon there are new victims for John to work on at the mortuary and a new mystery to solve. But John has tasted death, and the dark nature he used as a weapon---the terrifying persona he calls "Mr. Monster"---might now be using him.

No one in Clayton is safe unless John can vanquish two nightmarish adversaries: the unknown demon he must hunt and the inner demon he can never escape.

In this sequel to his brilliant debut, Dan Wells ups the ante with a thriller that is just as gripping and even more intense. He apologizes in advance for the nightmares.

Suspense e Mistério / Ficção / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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Mr. Monster


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Over Your Dead Body
The Devil
I Don
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Resenhas para Mr. Monster (1)

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Comparado com o primeiro livro, o anterior foi histórinha de ninar
on 31/3/22

No primeiro livro o assassino nem era tão mal assim, já no segundo... O vilão desse livro é perverso, sádico, psicopata, louco! Não consegui descobrir a identidade dele, desconfiei de todo mundo menos dele. A partir dos 60% o livro fica muito frenético e é quase impossível de largar. É muito emocionante, meu coração batia acelerado no final. Estou viciada desde o primeiro livro, e já estou indo ler o terceiro depois desse. É bem difícil eu ler um livro atrás do outro, mas essa série nã... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.4 / 7
ranking 43
ranking 57
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cadastrou em:
07/06/2012 15:13:56
editou em:
15/12/2015 01:13:31

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