My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters

My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters Sydney Salter


My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters

It’s the end of junior year, and summer is about to begin. The Summer of Passion, to be exact, when Jory Michaels plans to explore all the possibilities of the future--and, with any luck, score a boyfriend in the process. But Jory has a problem. A big problem. A curvy, honking, bumpy, problem in the form of her Super Schnozz, the one thing standing between Jory and happiness. And now, with the Summer of Passion stretched before her like an open road, she's determined for Super Schnozz to disappear. Jory takes a job delivering wedding cakes to save up for a nose job at the end of the summer; she even keeps a book filled with magazine cutouts of perfect noses to show the doctor. But nothing is ever easy for accident-prone Jory--and before she knows it, her Summer of Passion falls apart faster than the delivery van she crashes. In her hilarious and heartbreaking debut novel, Sydney Salter delivers a story about broadening your horizons, accepting yourself, and finding love right under your nose.

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My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters


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on 9/11/10

Mais um livro da Sydney por aqui! E assim como Swoon (Ver resenha Aqui), “My Big Nose” é divertidíssimo! Personagens loucos nas mais diversas situações, foi uma combinação perfeita. Virei fã da Salter e quero mais livros dela, NOW! O livro conta a estória de Jory Michaels. Uma garota de dezessete anos de idade que está começando suas férias de verão antes de seu primeiro ano como sênior. É óbvio que esse verão não poderá ser igual aos outros. Jory decide fazer dele o seu “Summer of Pa... leia mais


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09/10/2010 22:16:20

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