My Second Chance

My Second Chance Judy Corry


My Second Chance (Ridgewater High Romance #4)

They broke the rules. He broke her heart. Does their love deserve a second chance?

Juliette has been keeping a secret for months. Before she went to her semester abroad in Paris, she dated her best friend's older brother, Easton. What started as a whirlwind romance filled with forbidden meetings, came to a crashing halt when they crossed a line together that neither of them could return from.

Now she's back in Ridgewater and has to face everyone she left behind. But there's one more secret she's afraid for anyone to discover. She's pregnant. And Easton is the father.

But she has a plan: go to her grandma's house in Buffalo for the next few months. Keep the baby a secret. No one will ever have to know. But when Juliette sees signs that Easton might want a second chance, she wonders if keeping everything to herself is the best choice.

Can a relationship built on such a rocky foundation have a chance at a happy ending? And what will Easton do if Juliette's secret comes out?
MY SECOND CHANCE is a standalone novel in The Ridgewater High series. Perfect for readers who enjoy sweet YA romance with ballad-worthy chemistry, passionate kisses and endearing characters.

Infantojuvenil / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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My Second Chance


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My Second Chance
on 6/3/24

Li sem esperar absolutamente nada, apenas por ter lido a história anterior onde o casal Easton r Juliette são apresentados para ter um fechamento e fui de certa forma surpreendida positivamente. Preferiria que tivessem os dois pontos de vista como no livro da Lexi e do Noah mas achei diferente do que sempre lemos quando a trope é gravidez na adolescência. Cheguei a me emocionar lendo um momento importante no final que não direi aqui pra não dar spoiler.... leia mais


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Ana Alice Andrade
cadastrou em:
07/05/2020 12:55:31
editou em:
01/04/2023 22:58:16

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