Night Moves

Night Moves Andrea Smith


Night Moves

(G-Man #3)

There's a new Alpha in town . . . and he's a Brit!

Darcy Nicole Sheridan, is 22 years-old, beautiful, single, spirited, sexy and - spoiled. She knows that about herself. Raised by wealthy (and doting) parents as an only child, Darcy pretty much coasts through life until her heart is inexplicably broken by her G-Man, Darin. Darcy doesn't handle rejection well; she isn't used to it.

To ease the pain, Darcy flies to Belize over the Christmas holiday fully intending to wallow in self-pity and distance herself from D.C. and the pain that originated there. Her pity party is short-lived however, after observing a very handsome, very intriguing man on the beach with a beautiful blonde. The blond gets ditched and it's Darcy that becomes the focus of the smokin' hot, wealthy and somewhat mysterious 'E.J.'

Some very interesting things happen in Belize, but it doesn't end there. Once back in D.C., there are even more surprises in store for Darcy, including a new male roommate, her best friend Lindsey's wedding, and a surprise encounter with "E.J." that leaves Darcy confused in more ways than one! Shortly thereafter, surprising changes are in store for Darcy's career, love life and even a repentant Darin shows up in the mix.

Readers will get a bonus glimpse of Taz and Lindsey's HEA and perhaps even see some loose ends tied up with respect to the Rat Bastard!

As always, this latest release of the "G-Man Series" will keep you on the edge of your seat through the laughter, tears, angst, drama and mystery. Easton is sure to be a favorite 'G-Man' of many in this newest release of the series! He's an alpha like no other . . .

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Night Moves


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3° Livro da Série G-Man - Sinopse
on 8/6/21

Há um novo Alpha na cidade... E ele é britânico! Darcy Nicole Sheridan tem 22 anos, bonita, solteira, espirituosa, sexy e ‒ estragada. Ela sabe disso sobre si mesma. Criada por pais ricos (e amorosos) como a filha única, Darcy praticamente costas ao longo da vida até que seu coração é inexplicavelmente quebrado pelo GMan, Darin. Darcy não lidava bem com a rejeição, que ela não estava acostumada. Para aliviar a dor, Darcy voa para Belize durante o feriado de Natal com a inte... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 33
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ranking 33
ranking 18
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cadastrou em:
03/06/2014 20:15:38
editou em:
08/09/2021 21:19:37

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