Ninja Hacking

Ninja Hacking Thomas Wilhelm...


Ninja Hacking

"The hacking community is fraught with Eastern military comparisons. Like the ninja, we are continuing to come out of the shadows of our communal origins and grow into respected members of a larger society. As our industry matures, it demands more formal education, strict regulations and an adherence to a code of ethics. Therefore, it becomes increasingly difficult to incorporate the culture of the unconventional warrior into our new world. Enter Wilhelm and Andress, who make it safe to show off you fu again. By the end of this book, the security professional is given the philosophical foundation along with a practical framework from which to leverage the way of the ninja. What could be cooler?"---Donald C. Donzal Editor-in-Chief The Ethical Hacker Network Ever thought of using the time-tested tactics and techniques of the ancient ninja to understand the mind of today's ninja, the hacker? As a penetration tester or security consultant you no doubt perform tests both externally and internally for your clients that include both physical and technical tests. Throw traditional pen testing methods out the window for now and see how thinking and acting like a ninja can actually grant you quicker and more complete access to a company's assets. Get in before the hacker does with these unorthodox techniques. Use all of the tools that the ninja has: disguise, espionage, stealth, and concealment. Learn how to benefit from these tools by laying your plans, impersonating employees, infiltrating via alarm system evasion, discovering weak points and timing, spyware and keylogging software, and log manipulation and logic bombs. And, really, don't you want to be a ninja for a day just because they're cool? Let this book be your excuse! The Cologne-based artist Rosemarie Trockel (born 1952 in Schwerte) first attracted critical attention in the mid-1980s with her drawings, sculptures, and above all her now famous wool pictures. Today she ranks amont the best-known contemporary artists. Though Trockel's works are heterogeneous in terms of the wide range of media she employs, her drawings nonetheless form a key constant in her oeuvre. They have served as a means not just of capturing fleeting thoughts but also of bringing mature reflections into focus. All the themes developed elsewhere with other techniques are to be found here.

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23/12/2021 05:16:31

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