No Man Can Tame

No Man Can Tame Miranda Honfleur
Editora Cabana Vermelha


No Man Can Tame (The Dark-Elves of Nightbloom #1)

A human princess. A dark-elf prince. A kiss of fire and powder.

After a failed courtship in an ally kingdom, twenty-one-year-old Princess Alessandra returns home to a land torn apart by mutual hatred between the humans and the dark-elves. The "Beast Princess," as Aless is known by courtiers, confidently sets her mind to ways of making peace, but her father has already decided for her: she is to marry one of the mysterious and monstrous dark-elves to forge a treaty, and go on a Royal Progress across the kingdom to flaunt their harmonious union. While she intends to preserve the peace, the Beast Princess has plans of her own.

Prince Veron has been raised knowing his life is not his own, but to be bargained away by his mother, the queen of Nozva Rozkveta, to strengthen the dark-elf queendom. When his mother tells him he is to marry a self-absorbed, vile human, he is determined to do his duty regardless of his personal feelings. After arriving at the human capital, he finds the "Beast Princess" rebellious and untamed—and not to be trusted.

Aless and Veron face opposition at every turn, with humans and dark-elves alike opposing the union violently, as well as their own feelings of dissonance toward each other. Can two people from cultures that despise one another fall in love? Can a marriage between them bond two opposing worlds together, or will it tear them apart for good?

If you like the fantasy and politics of Danielle L. Jensen’s Malediction Trilogy and the romance of Elizabeth Vaughan’s Chronicles of the Warlands, No Man Can Tame will lure you into its world and not let you go.

Buy No Man Can Tame today, and journey into a medieval world of magic and Immortals, masquerades and games, love and blood, and a tale as old as time...

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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No Man Can Tame


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Resenhas para No Man Can Tame (45)

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Eu estou apaixonada por elfos?
on 29/11/22

Eu acabei,e não sei como reagir. O livro flui com muita facilidade,e é gostosinho de ler. A leitura é tão boa,e os personagens são incríveis,a narrativa é muito boa,por mais que normalmente eu não leia. Eu me apaixonei da mesma forma que os personagens,e por incrível que pareça,eu chorei,acho que fiquei emocionada,e eu so tinha lido pra não entrar em ressaca literária,mas confesso que esse livro foi uma das minhas melhores descobertas.... leia mais


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ranking 34
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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
24/03/2019 23:32:36
editou em:
23/04/2020 17:58:39

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