No Paine No Gain

No Paine No Gain McKinley May


No Paine No Gain (The Treehouse Boys #2)

A College Sports Romance (The Treehouse Boys Book 2) (English Edition)

One thing I've learned from three years as an undergrad?

College is all about balance.

Juggling a science-heavy course load, weekend bar crawls, and my plentiful dating life is an art form. An art form I've got down to a T...

Until the campus Casanova comes barreling into my biology class and throws my mojo for a major loop.

Windhaven University's most notorious womanizer is officially my lab partner, and there's nothing I can do about it.

He's obnoxious. Arrogant. Always has a dirty joke on the tip of his tongue and a pompous smirk twisting his full lips.

Even ill-fitting protective goggles and scratchy lab coats can't tamper down his appeal. With stunning hazel eyes and abs for days, the guy is undeniably gorgeous.

But I'm not succumbing to his stupid charade. His hypnotic charm and strategic smooth-talking that has women giggling like schoolgirls as they line up at his always-revolving bedroom door.

I refuse to fall for his game.

Not even when he pierces me with that dimpled smile that makes my cheeks burn and my toes tingle.

Nope. Not a freaking chance.

Because Weston Paine?

He's nothing more than a pain in my ass.

Esportes / Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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No Paine No Gain


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Não tem como não se apaixonar
on 18/8/21

No segundo livro da coleção The Treehouse Boys, temos a história de Weston, nosso famoso Casanova, que nunca esteve em um relacionamento na vida, e de Lexie, obcecada em viver a vida ao máximo e ser a melhor de si. Os dois, à primeira vista, são como água e óleo, não se misturam. Mas conforme o livro avança vemos como são bem mais parecidos do que achávamos. Um relacionamento de muita luta e acolhimento de como o outro é. Vale a pena demais.... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
18/08/2021 17:18:48
editou em:
18/08/2021 17:19:13

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