No Test for the Wicked (A Lexi Carmichael Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)

No Test for the Wicked (A Lexi Carmichael Mystery Book 5) (English Edition) Julie Moffett


No Test for the Wicked (A Lexi Carmichael Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)

A geeks worst nightmare: going back to high school Returning to high school is not something I ever wanted to do overit was awful the first time around. So why do I have to go back as part of a new undercover assignment? Because the universe loves playing jokes on me, obviously. Ive been ordered to go all 21 Jump Street and track down the students who are breaking into the computer system, changing grades, and causing all kinds of havoc. Although Im not thrilled about my new gig, at least it gives me something to do other than worry over the fact that I now have a boyfriend. And no freaking idea what to get him for Christmas. Or it did give me something else to worry about, until I stumbled across a more sinister threat. I was shocked to find distinct traces of a group of international hackers inside the network. What exactly have I gotten myself into? This book is approximately 81,000 words Carina Press acknowledges the editorial services of Alissa Davis Other Books in the Lexi Carmichael Mystery Series: No One Lives Twice (Book 1) No One To Trust (Book 2) No Money Down (Book 2.5) Novella No Place Like Rome (Book 3) No Biz Like Showbiz (Book 4) No Test for the Wicked (Book 5) No Woman Left Behind (Book 6) No Room for Error (Book 7) No Strings Attached (Book 8) No Living Soul (Book 9) No Regrets (Book 10) And Coming Soon: No Stone Unturned (Book 11) No Title Yet (Book 12 LOL!)

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No Test for the Wicked (A Lexi Carmichael Mystery Book 5) (English Edition)



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