None But You

None But You Susan Kaye


None But You

Frederick Wentworth Captain

Eight years ago, when he had nothing but his future to offer, Frederick Wentworth fell in love with Anne Elliot, the gentle daughter of a haughty, supercilious baronet. Sir Walter Elliot refused to countenance a marriage, and Anne's godmother, Lady Russell, strongly advised Anne against him. Persuaded by those nearest to her, Anne had given him up and he had taken his broken heart to sea. When Jane Austen's Persuasion opens in the year 1814, Frederick Wentworth, now a famous and wealthy captain in His Majesty's Navy, finds himself back in England and, as fate would have it, residing as a guest in Anne's former home. Now, it is the baronet who is in financial difficulties, and Anne exists only at her family's beck and call. For eight long years, Frederick had steeled his heart against her. Should he allow Anne into his heart again, or should he look for love with younger, prettier woman in the neighbourhood who regard him as a hero? The mature sweetness of Jane Austen's Persuasion is brought to life in Wytherngate Press's, None But You, the first in the two-volume series, Frederick Wentworth, Captain, by Susan Kaye.

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None But You


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on 9/7/13

Para quem não sabe, Persuasão é meu romance favorito da Austen – Mr. Darcy que me perdoe, mas fica difícil competir com um capitão da marinha com uniforme completo e enorme talento para escrever cartas de amor. Assim é que foi com empolgação que me lancei a ler None But You, narrando os eventos de Persuasão sob o ponto de vista do Capitão Wentworth – começando bem antes de sua chegada a Kellynch Hall, ainda ao mar, na expectativa de deixar seu navio uma vez que a guerra acabou. A... leia mais


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