O Dragão de Gelo

O Dragão de Gelo Bianca D'Arc


O Dragão de Gelo

Dragon Knights 03 - The Ice Dragon ( Alaina-Lana y Roland )

When a royal black dragon falls under enemy fire, only the wild Northern Ice Dragon and his unlikely female rider can save him. Half-wild, like the baby Ice Dragon she calls friend, Lana is a rare and powerful dragon healer. She saves the life of the royal black, only to learn this most sacred of dragons is half-man, able to shift from one form to the other at will.

Roland is king of all dragons and humans in his land, but he’s far from home, mortally wounded, and his only refuge is the incredible woman who has saved his life and her young wild dragon friend. Lana is the purest form of magic to him, heaven to his senses in both dragon and human form. He knows almost from the first moment that he wants her for his very own.

But a warlord plots in the north, seeking to kill the dragons, who protect the northern border, and overrun Roland’s peaceful kingdom. Lana and her incredibly skilled Ice Dragon friend are the only ray of hope for the knights and fighting dragons of the Northern Lair. Just as Lana is the only love Roland will ever know. He can reunite her with her lost family, but can he win her heart and make her his queen?

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O Dragão de Gelo
O Dragão de Gelo


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on 8/4/13

O rei de Drakonia numa missão de reconhecimento, foi gravemente ferido, quando ele achava que ia morrer e salvo por um dragão e seu cavaleiro, logo ele descobre que o Dragão, que lhe salvo só é um bebe dragão muito grande pro seu tamanho e o seu cavaleiro e uma mulher. O livro, e a serie e cheia de emoção guerra, ação, aventura, bem completo, Recomendo.*.* (eu to chamando a terra onde o mocinho é Rei de "Drakonia", mas não tenho certeza se esse é mesmo o nome, se não for, me perdo... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.0 / 28
ranking 41
ranking 24
ranking 28
ranking 7
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cadastrou em:
02/07/2013 21:13:10

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