O Grande Massacre de Gatos

O Grande Massacre de Gatos Robert Darnton


O Grande Massacre de Gatos (Biblioteca de História #13)

e outros episódios da História Cultural Francesa

The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes in French Cultural History - "When the apprentices of a Paris printing shop in the 1730's held a series of mock trials and then hanged all the cats they could lay their hands on, why did they find it so hilariously funny that they choked with laughter when they reenacted it in pantomime some twenty times? Why in the 18th century version of "Little Red Riding Hood" did the wolf eat the child at the end? What did the anonymous townsman of Montpelier have in mind when he kept an exhaustive dossier on all the activities of his native city? These are some of the provocative questions Robert Darnton attempts to answer in this dazzling series of essays that probe the ways of thought in what we like to call "The Age of Enlightenment".."

|...| 'The funniest thing that ever happened in the printing shop of Jacques Vincent, according to a worker who witnessed it, was a riotous massacre of cats." So begins Robert Darnton's exploration of the violent rituals practiced by artisans in mid-eighteenth century France. In a series of elegantly rendered essays, Professor Darnton exhumes the strange and wonderful world views of the ordinary and extraordinary people inhabiting the cities, towns and countryside of France in the Age of Enlightenment. Ranging from the grim folklore of the French peasantry to the romantic sensibilities binding Rousseau to his provincial bourgeois readers, Darnton conveys ways of thinking and feeling long misunderstood. In evoking the exotic and the commonplace in the culture of eighteenth century Frenchmen, Darnton invites the reader to ponder such questions as why a group of Parisian craftsmen found the massacre of cats so funny and how jokes worked among the workers of the old regime. The Great Cat Massacre is a kaleidoscopic view of a culture both familiar and strange. In this book Robert Darnton administers a necessary and unforgettable dose of culture shock'.'

Amazon Editorial Reviews:

"An exercise in culture shock." -- Chronicle of Higher Education

"Brilliant." -- The Washington Post

"Robert Darnton has the inquisitiveness of an investigative reporter, the thoroughness of a rigorous scholar, and the sensitivity of a novelist." -- The New Republic

"Striking, original, and often very clever." - -- Time

[About the Author]: Robert Darnton is Carl H. Pforzheimer University Professor and Director of the Harvard University Library. A MacArthur Fellow, he is the author of the National Book Critics Circle award-winning The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Edições (4)

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on 31/3/22

Indicado por uma colega da TAG Curadoria, este se torna o último livro que leio relacionado ao clube de leitura. Gostei muito da indicação, mas só indico pra quem realmente tem interesse na história francesa, principalmente quando este interesse é de como surgiu suas fábulas e principais contos.... leia mais

Vídeos O Grande Massacre de Gatos (1)

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#PapoDeHistoriadoras #1 - O grande massacre de gatos - APRESENTAÃÃO

#PapoDeHistoriadoras #1 - O grande massacre d


Avaliações 4.3 / 266
ranking 52
ranking 33
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Camila Diniz
cadastrou em:
11/10/2012 23:06:39
editou em:
24/07/2015 14:20:26

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