On Grief and Reason

On Grief and Reason Joseph Brodsky


On Grief and Reason


Joseph Brodsky was a great contrarian and believed, against the received wisdom of our day, that good writing could survive translation. He was right, I think, though you had to wonder when you saw how badly his own work fared in English. But then perhaps the Russians hadn't expelled a great poet so much as exposed us to one of their virulent personality cults. Yet Brodsky's essays are interesting. Composed in a rather heroically determined English, clumsily phrased and idiomatically challenged, they are still inventive and alive. There are suggestive analyses of favorite poems by Hardy, Rilke, and Frost in this book, and a moving meditation on the figure of Marcus Aurelius. Though too often Brodsky goes on at self-indulgent length, he usually recaptures our attention with a characteristic aside: "The fact that we are livingdoes not mean we are not sick."

From Publishers Weekly: "Art, especially literature, is "a form of moral insurance" that, if widely disseminated, could counteract the worst impulses of societies and governments, declares Brodsky in his eloquent 1987 Nobel lecture. In another essay, "An Immodest Proposal," the eminent poet and essayist suggests ways to make poetry much more available to the public. In an open letter to Czech president Vaclav Havel, Brodsky (who emigrated from Russia to the U.S. in 1972 after spending two years in prison as a dissident) looks squarely at the moral and economic anarchy of post-communist eastern Europe. This miscellany of reprinted essays and speeches reveals an elegant writer and incisive thinker. "Collector's Item" segues from spy novels, to a psychological profile of Cambridge spy Kim Philby, secret agent for Moscow, to an analysis of how espionage becomes a mutually destructive game. Elsewhere Brodsky champions Thomas Hardy as a modern poet of existential truths and follows Rainer Maria Rilke's poetic journey to the netherworld of Orpheus. Other pieces deal with nostalgia, lessons of history, a trip to Rio de Janeiro, Robert Frost's poetry and Roman emperor/poet Marcus Aurelius's Stoic Meditations."

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On Grief and Reason


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Collected Poems in English

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on grief and reason
on 31/1/13

Esse livro encontrou-me no 12/12/12 e o encantamento provocado pelas idéias de Joseph Brodsky me manteve, até há bem poucos minutos, nesta manhã vagabunda de domingo, penúltimo dia deste 2012, absolutamente "stingless, drowning in honey", imerso em delícias sem fim. "On Grief and Reason" foi publicado em 1995 e reúne 21 ensaios muito bons. Um é de 1978, oito deles são dos anos 1980, doze dos anos 1990. Dois dos ensaios são abertamente nostálgicos. O que abre o livro reúne memórias esp... leia mais


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