One Of Your Own: The Life and Death of Myra Hindley

One Of Your Own: The Life and Death of Myra Hindley Carol Ann Lee


One Of Your Own: The Life and Death of Myra Hindley

Thi book explores in depth the life and crimes of Moors killer Myra Hindley the partner of Ian Brady who in the early to mid sixties stunned the world with their sexual torture and murders of little children. In October 1965 disturbing reports were coming through about a couple held for sickening crimes. Between 1963-65 they went on an orgy of murder torture and violence while maintaining a facade of a 'nice young couple from next door. This book centres around Myra Hindley who spent a lifetime incarcerated maintaining her 'innocence'. With frank disclosures from one of the original investigating officers of the sixties, neighbours memories and work colleagues. even before the missing children were known about, Myra was being interviewed for her 'witnessing' a young lad axed to death by her repulsive partner, Detective Policewoman Pat Clayton remembered: "She was a hard arrogant Woman, she wouldn't answer a question-nothing came forward at all" In October 1965 Senior experienced detectives took it turn to question Myra-still resolute in her firm denials and refusal to answer any questions-under the toughest questioning. Police came to realise that she was the tougher member of the evil partnership. On the day that Mrs. Evans had to identify her son at Hyde Town hall mortuary, a detective policewoman attempting to grill Hindley heard the disturbing weeping of the upset Mother-as did Hindley from the nearby mortuary in the police courtyard-unblinking Myra requested another cup of tea.. One trainee librarian remembered Myra requesting a forensic textbook entitled: 'Sexual Murders' at Brady's request. After Myra had Brady move in with her, she cut herself off from friends and neighbour's she had known all her life, one local girl remembered: "I remember Myra wearing quite short skirts-even before they were fashionable-and my impression then was that looked rather tarty". Never seen without her upswept backcombed and lacquered hairstyle and full make-up, locals were ignored as she trotted out to buy cigarettes. Myra Hindley years later admitted that she was the one who slowly sided up in her car to unsuspecting children to offer to 'drive them home' knowing full well of the horrible fate that awaited them at the clutches of Brady. A recommended read for all lovers of true crime.

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One Of Your Own: The Life and Death of Myra Hindley



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