One Way Ticket

One Way Ticket Kate O'Keeffe...


One Way Ticket

Would you switch lives with someone you just met? Sabrina Monroe is poised and ready for her future as Mrs. Todd Edward Blakely. Everything seems perfect, but on the big day, suddenly she's not so sure. Her nicely mapped out life ahead of her, she finds herself in her own movie scene as the runaway bride, climbing out of the bathroom window. All she can think is escape. Addison Bloom needs a life makeover. She's travelled the world to find love--and failed. On her way back from yet another friend's wedding, she starts to feel ill at the mere thought of seeing another veil that's not hers. Should she go back home and marry her former sweetheart, or stick it out looking for love in her new home? Sabrina and Addison are both on the run, wanting to escape to a new life. As the two strangers talk at an airport, discovering they have the same job at opposite ends of the country, a crazy idea unfolds--one which might provide the answers they've both been looking for. Is there such a thing as a One Way Ticket to a new life, or will they find they're running from themselves, not just the past?

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One Way Ticket


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Romance sessão da tarde
on 31/1/22

Esse é um típico livro que quando você lê consegue visualizar perfeitamente os cenários como se fosse um filme da sessão da tarde. Ele é narrado mas povs da Sabrina e da Addi e como elas estão em lugares opostos do país as vezes os acontecimentos ficam confusos, mas da pra entender tranquilamente. Não é um livro super descritivo, mas valeu a pena a leitura... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/09/2021 10:39:19
editou em:
11/02/2022 20:11:58

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