Oracle PL/SQL Programming

Oracle PL/SQL Programming Steven Feuerstein


Oracle PL/SQL Programming

Oracle8i, the long-awaited "Internet database" from Oracle Corporation, has hit the streets running-and you may find yourself struggling to keep up with Oracle's fast-moving technology. oracle boasts that Oracle8i offers more than 150 new features, many of them designed to make its popular database programming language, PL/SQL, faster, more powerful, and easier to use. This concise and engaging book is both a companion to Oracle PLISQL Programming (widely recognized as the "bible" for PL/SQL developers) and a guide designed to bring you up to speed as quickly as possible on the new PL/SQL features of Oracle8i. Following the style of Feuerstein's earlier books, the Guide to Oracle8i Features combines easy-to-understand descriptions of the new Oracle8i features with a wealth of interesting and informative examples. It covers: Autonomous transactions Invoker rights Native dynamic SQL Bulk binds and collects System-level database triggers New built-in packages Fine-grained access control Calling Java methods from within PL/SQL Some PL/SQL developers are uneasy about what the introduction of Java means to their applications-and their programming future. But the two languages are expected to work well together in Oracle8i. This book gives you enough Java know-how to build simple Java classes, load them into the Oracle8i database, and leverage those classes from within your PL/SQL code. Now you'll be able to take advantage of all the power of Java without giving up the performance and usability advantages of PL/SQL! Included with this book is a diskette containing an online tool developed by RevealNet, Inc., that provides point-and-click access to approximately 100 files of reusable source code and examples. The Guide to Oracle8i Features showcases A the powerful new features of Oracle8i designed especially for PL/SQL developers. You'll find it indispensable as you strive to take the fullest possible advantage of everything this exciting new version has to offer. "The Oracle8i release adds a myriad of new features and enhancements to the PL/SQL application development platform-a crucial part of the Oracle programmers arsenal. In his latest book, Steven Feuerstein superbly describes each of these features, going right to the heart of the matter. His technical expertise, lucid descriptions, examples, and humor bring life to the book, making it not just an invaluable reference, but also a wonderful teaching fount. " Usha Sangam, Senior Manager, PL/SQL Language and Compiler Frontend Languages and Object-Relational Technology, Oracle Corporation

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João gregorio
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15/04/2023 08:45:11