Out on Good Behavior

Out on Good Behavior Dahlia Adler


Out on Good Behavior (Radleigh University #3)

Frankie Bellisario knows she can get anyone she sets her sights on, but just because she can doesn't mean she should—not when the person she's eyeing is Samara Kazarian, the daughter of a southern Republican mayor. No matter how badly Frankie wants to test her powers of persuasion, even she recognizes some lines aren't meant to be crossed.

But when Frankie learns she's been on Samara's mind too, the idea of hooking up with her grows too strong to resist. Only Sam's not looking for a hookup; she wants—needs—the real thing, and she's afraid she'll never find it as long as Frankie's in her head.

Forced to choose between her first relationship and losing the girl who's been clawing her way under her skin, Frankie opts to try monogamy...under her own condition: 30 days of keeping things on the down low and remaining abstinent. If she fails as hard at girlfriending as she's afraid she might, she doesn't want to throw Samara's life into upheaval for nothing. But when neither the month nor Frankie's heart go according to plan, she may be the one stuck fighting for the happily ever after she never knew she wanted.

LGBT / GLS / Romance

Edições (1)

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Out on Good Behavior


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Romance sáfico NA
on 28/1/21

Esse é o primeiro livro sáfico que leio em que uma das personagens é pan e achei extremamente legal a representatividade, não foi algo simplesmente jogado e o desenvolvimento foi ótimo. Eu ADOREI a Frankie e a Sam, desde o inicio a autora trouxe aquela tensão sexual, o desejo e a entrega das duas. O amor foi expressado de uma forma tão pura e linda, a história é divertida e interessante. Eu gostei tanto da compreensão da Frankie em relação ao medo da Sam de sair do armário, achei amb... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 11
ranking 18
ranking 45
ranking 18
ranking 9
ranking 9



cadastrou em:
03/09/2016 19:53:49
editou em:
09/01/2017 01:37:55

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