
Outmatched Kristen Callihan...



What happens when a boxer finds chemistry with a geek? Parker Brown can't believe she needs to hire a fake boyfriend. When she landed her dream job in renewable energy, she thought she'd be entering a world at the forefront of progressive thinking. But the head boss prefers to promote employees who are "settled." Thankfully, she's found the perfect candidate, a fellow intellectual looking for some quick cash. What Parker gets is his protective big brother--Rhys Morgan. The tall, muscled ex-boxer with a foul mouth shows up just as her boss does, and now she's stuck with the manipulative jerk. Responsibility weighs heavily on Rhys. Now permanently out of the ring, he's trying to hold together his late father's gym and keep his younger brother, Dean, on the straight and narrow. To save Dean from himself, Rhys takes his place, ready to give this society girl a piece of his mind. Instead, he finds an opportunity. Even though they can hardly stand each other, posing as Parker's boyfriend is a win-win deal. She gets to keep her job, and he'll charm her star-struck boss into sponsoring his gym. Problem is, they can barely keep their hands off each other. And what started as an easy deal isn't so easy anymore. Because what future can a rough ex-boxer, afraid to open his heart, and a polished society geek, who has sworn off real relationships, possibly have? They say opposites attract. These opposites are about to combust on impact.

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on 17/6/23

Li a sinopse e estava curiosa pra ler esse livro. Então resolvi ler logo kkkk É um strange to lovers, com relacionamento falso e Rich girl X Poor boy. Livro de duas autoras que eu já gosto separadamente, mas juntas nunca tinha lido nada. Me deu raiva da Parker querendo sempre ser a boazinha, que agrada todos e não se coloca em primeiro lugar nunca. E o Rhys é muito presunçoso e odeia rico, como se fosse traço de personalidade, me irritou profundamente como ele sempre presumia que ela ... leia mais


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